FabLab Rules

FabLab rules and regulations:

  1. To be allowed to enter the FabLab, you will be required to have successfully completed the training session at the Metaallokaal, and have had an introduction and short session with the department technical support representative
  2. Use of the Fab lab is only permitted during working hours, between 09.00 and 18.00 on normal weekdays (M – F)
  3. You must be aware and follow all the local safety regulations in the FabLab as indicated on the poster in the room
  4. You must work safely and responsibly with the equipment
  5. There are sets of tools associated with each machine. You are required to keep these tools by the machine, and put them back in their place when you are done.
  6. You are required to inform technical support if any tools are broken or missing
  7. You are required to sign in the logbook when you start using a machine, and sign out when you are done. You should also indicated which type of material you are using, and fill in any other details listed in the logbook. 
  8. Users will clean up the metal chips and any oil off of the machine and the area surrounding the machine.
  9. If you are not sure, ask: another colleague, the department technical support representative, or another technician from the department. We’re all here to help!

These rules are in place to make the FabLab a fun and safe place for you to work!

If we find you are not following the rules, we will remind you of them and take a note. 

If we find that you still continue fail to adhere to the rules and regulations, then you will no longer be allowed to work in the FabLab.